Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cupcake and Cocoa Party

I absolutely love this time of year!
The little ladies of the house wanted
to celebrate the season with a few friends.
They chose to decorate cupcakes and have some yummy cocoa!
Perfect combination if you ask me!

I found these Meri Meri cupcake stands at Homegoods!
They were perfect for displaying the undecorated cupcakes.
It was also the inspiration to use reindeer throughout the table decor.

<a href="//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simplycreativeinsanity.blogspot.com%2F2013%2F11%2Fcupcake-and-cocoa-party.html&media=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simplycreativeinsanity.blogspot.com%2F2013%2F11%2Fcupcake-and-cocoa-party.html&description=Next%20stop%3A%20Pinterest" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="above"><img src="//assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pinit_fg_en_rect_gray_20.png" /></a>  

I took some simple white aprons and added
the ruffles for a more festive look.
They added a decorative touch to the chairs as well.


Reindeer place settings and Christmas Tree
photo stands made a great place card holder.

Before the cupcake decorating began,
the girls made these festive Christmas trees
out of card stock and cupcake liners!
Simple and inexpensive craft!

 I decorated Starbucks coffee bottles with a little felt
to make a scarf and some buttons!
The kids loved drinking their strawberry milk out of these.
They enjoyed snowmen white chocolate covered oreos 
and chocolate peppermint cake balls.

 Marshmallow Cocoa Bites were the hit of the party!
These were made by dipping the marshmallow in chocolate,
breaking off the stick of a
mini peppermint stick and inserting into the side.
Top them off with mini marshmallows!

 To top it all off...as if there hasn't been enough sugar...
they enjoyed a little hot cocoa too!

 The Cupcake Ladies had a blast decorating with different frosting,
sprinkles and candy decor.

They were all sugared up and ready to head home with their 
cupcake creations in these reindeer cupcake boxes!

We had so much creating this simple and fun party!
I hope you can spend a little time with the ones you 
love this holiday season!

Vendor Credits:
Plates:  Target
Cupcake Boxes: World Market
Reindeer Cupcake Stands:  Meri Meri
Aprons:  Hobby Lobby