Monday, July 6, 2009

Fabulous Forth Weekend!

I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July! I had so much fun with friends and family and thought I would share my tables and ideas with all of you!

The adult tablescape....easy red and white candles with a very wide flag ribbon that I found at Hobby Lobby!

My daughter and I painted green bean cans and attached ribbon and stars for the utensil holders. This galvanized bucket was a perfect container to hold the napkins and dessert plates! Just added a little ribbon and star! The brownie plate is probably my favorite plate in my house. I purchased it a few years ago from Southern Living home and you just change out the ribbon for different occasions!

I posted about my drink tags a few weeks ago! You can find the directions at Blue Eyed Blessing! I arranged blue bottles of champagne, white wine, and red Izze's in a silver drink tub! And of course I can't leave out the red martini!

I finally had a chance to try out bakerella's hamburgers and fries! Super fun and easy to make!
I liked the fact that everything didn't have to be perfect to look delicious!
I used her blank french fry template (thanks bakerella) and attached stickers on the front, added the cookie fries and placed a flag pick inside! The bowls I found at Hobby Lobby and they were a little deep so, I just added a little tissue paper to fill them in!
The kids ate them up!!!!

The kids table was so much fun and I haven't seen 4 kids sit in one place for this long in a while! I taped down white craft paper for the "table cloth" and used a carousel for the centerpiece. I bought red and blue foam sheets and put each kids name on it. They decorated their own place mat with patriotic foam stickers to take home.

Little bucket favor pails completed the table. Each pail had bubbles, foam glasses the kids decorated, ring pops, President Lincoln balls, party poppers, glow in the dark bracelets and USA necklaces! Water bottles with crystal light fruit punch was a big hit!

No confusion with these place cards.....Red Gum drops with flag tooth picks! I am definitely going to be using this one again!

Boy and girl place mats....I hope everyone is using these at home!

And finally a few pics from the fireworks....My little Precious girls and boys!
Well, ok, the boys are not technically mine but, I love them the same!
Happy Birthday USA!

Jedi Warriors with the glow in the dark necklaces!

Love it!!