Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tailgate Party

Alright Ladies...I found a new blog tonight and this is one
very talented hostess!
And she is right here in my own back yard!
They say everything is bigger in Texas and it
must be true!
This talented hostess knows how to entertain a crowd!
Check out all of her parties at Mawnster Parties!
Mawn since that is her last name!
So cute!
Just look at these tailgate party pictures!
Oh...and did I tell you that this is for a 5 year old?
We love our football in Texas!
Love the Grills on the food buffet which serve as chip storage!
Just how many kids were there? Great cups!
Another use for a grill....never knew they had so many uses!
Tasty football cake....yes, that is a cake on top!
Check out all of her fantastic parties HERE!
Now go....run don't walk!


  1. Oh..that is so adorable!! Being a TX girl myself..we love our football and yes, everthing is bigger in TX!! Aww..I am missing home!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very cute! I love football and I can't wait until Sunday to root for my Saints! Check out the football playoff gumbo party I recently had for friends at:

