Thursday, March 25, 2010

Recession Gifting

So, today when I was going over
my budget for the next 3 parties
I am hosting, I said oh crap!
Well, not exact words but you
get the idea!
I was checking out new "to me" sites
for ideas and came across this!
This is a free printable from
Thought this would be a great
idea for my hubbie...especially when
the credit card bills come in!:)

This kit includes:

• 1 "You are par-fect fore me" golf ball box template that will fit 3 standard golf balls
• 1 fill in the blank menu card
• 1 "1 day/hour free of nagging" gift card
• 1 "I promise to:" fill in the blank gift card
This would be great to download and store away for Fathers Day too!


  1. Oh, yeah, the old budget...It'll get ya every time! ;D

  2. I was just thinking today what to do for Father's day...thanks for the tip. Now I have a direction to go in!!

    Maddycakes Muse
