Monday, April 12, 2010

Button on Board and Giveaway!

Happy Monday!
I am so excited to share with you
something new to my blog!
I got my very own Blog Button!
Check it out to the left!
I am very excited about it!
This was a Happy Blog Birthday present
from a Sweet Little Chick!
Melissa over at Silly Bee's Chickadees!

How sweet is that?
If you have never checked out her blog
RUN...don't walk over and check it out!
I have featured this cool chick on my
blog in the past...
Check out her Sweet Bee Party here!
So, to celebrate the her kindness
I thought I would pay it forward and
have a giveaway!
I will be giving one lucky winner a
$20 Target Gift Card!!
You have until Friday April 17th at midnight CST
to enter!
Good Luck to you all!

Ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment about how you celebrate your birthday
2. Become a follower and leave a comment
telling me you have done so.
3. Blog about the giveaway and leave a separate comment
telling me you have done so.
4. Add my button to your blog and leave a separate comment
telling me you have done so.


  1. awww congrats! It looks fab! and Happy Bday! I celebrate my bday by insisting on a whole bday week! lol friends and an outing on my actual bday

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. your button looks great!! I am celebrating the big 40 this year with my girlfriends who are also turning 40! We have all been friends for almost 30 years-crazy to think that its been that long or that we are that old! :)

  3. I love to celebrate with lots of family and friends!!! With a great cake and Rita's water ice, especially since my birthday falls in good ol' hot August!

  4. My B-Day falls in between Christmas and New Years, so my rule is that the whole week is special for the entire family. We really look forward to our end of year special week.

  5. My Birthday is July 4, I have family, friends, and fireworks, on my day.

  6. I have a birthMNTH not just a birthDAY. I do something small for myself throughout the month. And my family KNOWS that it's a birthMONTH so we eat out on the weekends!

  7. Very cute blog button!! I love birthday...maybe not mine becasue it means I am getting older! :) I love spending my day with my family. I love the handmade cards my little ones give me. I love looking back at them through the years to see how thay have changed.

    Kelli S

  8. My older sister's birthday is just 4 days after mine in May. Her husband's job is extremely busy at this time of year, so they don't have much of an opportunity to celebrate her special day. So the two of us are getting together for lunch and shopping in a city halfway between our two homes. Should be fun!

  9. We always make it a family day on our birthdays. We make a day of it, movies dinner and if its one of the kids birthdays we go to the zoo or something. Its alot of fun for our family.

  10. new follower! love this blog!

  11. I celebrated my big 40 numerous times last month. Red Robin gave me a complimentary burger of my choice. Benihana gave me a complimentary meal with a photo. Baskin Robbins and Coldstone gave me ice cream.....So the entire month of March was just fun, fun, FUN!


  12. I celebrate my birthday by going out to dinner with my husband.

    Melissa A.
    cmaccurso at yahoo dot com

  13. Definitely spending time with loved ones is the best way to spend a birthday!Don't forget good food :)

  14. This year I asked for my boyfrind to build me a walk-in closet in a spare room we have as my gift. I had so kindly bought him all the tools he would need this past Christmas ;) so he had no excuses. My birthday was April 2nd & we spent the whole day building, this past weekend building, and this coming weekend...more building. It's coming along.

  15. Happy 1st Birthday! Your new button is adorable! I am "queen" for a day on my birthday.(well, everyday, with my husband) and am treated to dinner out and lavashed with gifts. I am blessed (or a bit spoiled, depending on how you look at it!)

  16. I became a follower!

  17. I grabbed your button!! cute!

  18. Congratulations on your one year birthday! Great button!! I celebrate my birthday by pampering myself...I don't do that with four kids!

  19. Last year I celebrated my birthday by getting discharged from the hospital with my latest little one, but this year I was able to celebrate it at The Melting Pot with a group of girl friends. It all depends on the kiddos for now. ;) Actually, my friends surprised me with The Melting Pot last year, too, but when the baby was 2 months old and could just come and sleep the whole time with us. Cheese and chocolate, yum! :)

  20. Birthday celebration? I don't! I live in denial.

  21. I usually celebrate my birthday with family. Since I've had kids though, my birthday is definitely on the back burner!

  22. We go out to dinner (this year it was Benihana). I'm trying to convince my hubby to take me to Hawaii for my 30th!

  23. I celebrated my birthday all week going to dinner with my family & friends....

  24. My birthday this year falls on Mother's Day also. On Valentine's Day my husband was in Paris without me, so he better do something extra nice right?! I'm hoping for putting in wood floors...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. My birthdays have always been low-key. My birthday fall the last week of December so with all the holiday frenzy and vacations if I had a party it was it was small. My Mom always fixed my favorite food on my birthday and made it a special day.

    Now my husband and I take the day and go visit a couple of my favorite stores. We stop at a couple of favorite restaurants and order appetizers and just relax. For dinner we have a bowl of my favorite Sausage and Lentil Soup and a bottle of good wine.

    susan56bft at gmail dot com

  27. Simply Creative Insanity follower via Google

    susan56bft at gmail dot com

  28. Last year I celebrated my birthday in Las Vegas with hubby - nice getaway :)
